Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 25th World Congress on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology at Budapest,Hungary in the course of November 09-10, 2020.
Theme of the conference, “Optimizing the Demand of Nanomaterials with the Help of Nanotechnologies” is designed in such a way to uncover the basic principles that lead to the drastic emergence and technologies in the field of Nano Materials and Nanotechnology. We hope Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 2020 is the best platform to discuss the basic principles involved in the development of Nano materials and Nanotechnology. As this conference deals with the basics concepts, students, delegates, academicians and business people can attend the conference to root up the knowledge and excel in this field.
Nanomaterial is defined as the "material with any external dimension in the Nano scale or having internal structure or surface structure in the Nano scale", with Nano scale defined as the "length range approximately from 1 nm to 100 nm". This includes both Nano-objects, which are discrete pieces of material, and nanostructured materials, which have internal or surface structure on the Nano scale; a nanomaterial may be a member of both these categories. On 18 October 2011, the European Commission adopted the following definition of a nanomaterial: "A natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and for 50% or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm – 100 nm. In specific cases and where warranted by concerns for the environment, health, safety or competitiveness the number size distribution threshold of 50% may be replaced by a threshold between 1% to 50%."[7]
Market Report:
The global market for Aluminium systems and metal powder witnessed a rapid growth in 2013, and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.65% and 3.80% from 2015 to 2020, to reach USD 147.13 Billion and USD 4,062.2 Million by 2020 respectively. Asia-Pacific dominated the market with a share of 45% in 2014; this market is driven by increasing competition, consumer awareness, rising consumer spending, demand for value-added product, and technological advancements. The Asia-Pacific region is the fastest-growing market with the highest CAGR of 5.01% during the forecast period; this market is driven by increasing competition, consumer awareness, rising consumer spending, demand for powder metallurgy manufactured components, and technological advancements.
Target Audience:
Nanomaterials Engineers
Nanotechnology Engineers
Researchers from Mining and Metallurgy Field
Scientists and students from Tissue Science engineering and Biomaterials
Delegates from Nano Materials and Nanotechnology Associations
Professors, Students, Researchers and Technical Staff of Nano Materials and Nanotechnology Department
Delegates from Nano materials, nanotechnology, Green technology, Atomic structure, Polymer, Fuel Cell, Biomaterials, Mining & Metallurgy, Nano Energy related.
Track 1: Nanotechnology in Materials Science
Materials science is important for the development of technology and has been or thousands of years. Different materials have different strengths and weaknesses and are used for different purposes. Materials Science and Engineering is the study of all materials, from those we see and use every day such as a glass or a piece of sport equipment to those used in aerospace and medicine, through that understanding how materials work, can create new materials for new applications as well as develop existing materials to improve performance. They can control the structure of a material, from an atomic level up.
Related Societies: American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society; Adhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society; Federation of Materials Societies; US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society.
Track 2: Application of Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology includes science, designing and innovation and includes imaging, measuring, displaying, and controlling issue at the Nanoscale. The advancement of interesting nanoscale structures can possibly upset industry, including hardware, pharmaceutical, and customer items. Using Nanotechnology, materials can effectively be made stronger, lighter, more durable, more reactive, more sieve-like, or better electrical conductors, among many other traits. Many everyday commercial products are currently on the market and in daily use that relies on nanoscale material processes.
Related Societies: US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society; American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society; Adhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society; Federation of Materials Societies
Track 3: Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles are particles between 1 and 100 nanometers (nm) in size with a surrounding interfacial layer. The interfacial layer is an integral part of nanoscale matter, fundamentally affecting all of its properties. The interfacial layer typically consists of ions, inorganic and organic molecules. Organic molecules coating inorganic nanoparticles are known as stabilizers, capping and surface ligands, or passivating agents. They are already being used in the manufacture of scratchproof eyeglasses, crack-resistant paints etc. Nanoparticles display various unique properties in respect to mass material.
Related Societies: Federation of Materials Societies; International Association of Nanotechnology; Materials Research Society; Bangladesh Nanotechnology Society (BNS); Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC); US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST); Intelligent Testing Strategies for Engineered Nanomaterials (ITS-NANO); Bangladesh Nanotechnology Society (BNS)
Track 4: Nanophysics
The nanophysics is halfway between the size scales of quantum mechanics and macroscopic physics governed by the laws of Newton and Einstein. The correct definition of nanophysics is the physics of structures and artefacts with dimensions in the nanometer range or of phenomena occurring in nanoseconds. The Master's programme in Nanomaterials and Nanophysics focuses on designing, fabricating and controlling materials and components with dimensions on the Nanoscale, i.e. from 1 to 100 nm.
Related Societies: US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society; American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society; Adhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society; Federation of Materials Societies
Track 5: Nano Robotics
A robot that allows exactness collaborations with Nano scale issue, or control with Nano scale determination. Such types of gadgets are more identified with microscopy or checking test microscopy, rather than the portrayal of Nano-robots as atomic machine. Nano robotics, including specific design issues such as sensing, power communication, navigation, manipulation, locomotion, and on-board computation, has been presented in the medical context of Nano medicine by Robert Freitas.
Related Societies: Federation of Materials Societies; International Association of Nanotechnology; Materials Research Society; Bangladesh Nanotechnology Society (BNS); Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC); US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST); Intelligent Testing Strategies for Engineered Nanomaterials (ITS-NANO); Bangladesh Nanotechnology Society (BNS)
Track 6: Nanotechnology in Communications & Information Technology
Information and communication technology is an important and rapidly growing industrial sector with a high rate of innovation. Enormous progress has been made by making a transition from traditional to nanotechnologyelectronics. Nanotechnology has created a tremendous change in information and communication technology. Nanotechnology is the next industrial revolution and the telecommunications industry will be radically transformed by it in the future. Nanotechnology has revolutionized the telecommunications, computing, and networking industries.
Related Societies: American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society; Adhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society; Federation of Materials Societies; US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society
Track 7: Functional Nanomaterials
Functional nanomaterials are the premise of recently rising nanotechnologies for different gadget applications. Nanomaterials with numerous sorts of morphologies and creations have been widely researched, and show different sorts of usefulness in ranges, for example, electronic structure, optical impacts, turn elements, and gas detecting. Due to cutting edge portrayal and new creation methods, nanomaterials are presently key to various orders, including materials science, science, material science, building and drug. This exceptional volume introduces an itemized outline of late research advancements on useful nanomaterials, including combination, portrayal, and applications.
Related Societies: US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society; American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society; Adhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society; Federation of Materials Societies
Track 8: Nanotechnology for Biological System
Nanotechnology is the science and designing of controlling issue on uncommonly little scales (a Nanometer is a billionth of a meter) to make gadgets with novel concoction, physical and organic properties. Altogether new logical inquiries might be motivated and tended to by the reagents and gadgets at the nano scale. The focal segments of frameworks science are hereditarily customized arranges inside cells and systems of cells. These parts build up the association what's more, capacity of individual cells and tissues accordingly to natural flags, for example, cell-to-cell correspondence inside organ frameworks and entirety living beings
Related Societies: American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society; Adhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society; Federation of Materials Societies; US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society